Meet Michelle

I first became active in politics working with Latinos for Trump, door knocking, phone banking and volunteering at events. I was an adjudicator for the 2020 election, and participated in the canvas to help clean up the voter rolls. I was involved with the Senate Audit from day one, initially as an observer and then became a table manager. I continued to stay involved and actively supported Conservative candidates in the 2022 election, and served as the Marshal for the 2022 Primary and General elections. The issues that I have witnessed regarding our election process is what drove me to become even more involved which is why I’m running for the Arizona Senate in 2024.

I am a grassroots patriot who stands with and for ‘We the people’, and bringing back American patriotism, pride, and integrity to the office of our elected officials. I am a servant leader who will listen to and represent the constituents of Legislative District 23. I served in the Air Force for 15 years and was always recognized for my ability to work with people to get the job done, without compromising my integrity.

My vocation is in fashion design , but I have chosen to lay it down for now because nothing matters if we do not right this ship. I support every Conservative cause such as Protecting the Children, Legal Immigration, Border Wall and especially Election Integrity which is the foundation upon which all else is built.

I am married to my husband Frank of 34 years. I have one son, an awesome daughter-in-law and two beautiful grandsons. I raised my son in a time when society was not trying to dictate who he was to become. I am now in this fight to protect my grandsons and all children from the snares of what society has become.